[ROYCO Listening Room] 하이엔드 오디오로 듣는 명반 Yiruma - From The Yellow Room | ROYCO | 매킨토시
SNS 링크 : https://youtu.be/XLtf0RjdcNg?si=hCKtJaYtM8By49dY- 첨부파일
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영상은 'McIntosh MC451'과 'McIntosh C12000'의 소리를 직접 녹음해 제작된 영상입니다.
The video above was produced by directly recording the sounds of "McIntosh MC451" and "McIntosh C12000."
[Side A]
00:00 The Scenery Begins
04:12 Chaconne
08:03 Yellow Room
11:50 Indigo
[Side B]
14:52 Kiss The Rain
19:13 The Day After
23:01 Sometimes… Someone
27:22 Falling
[Side C]
30:55 The Moment
35:03 27. May
38:43 With The Wind
[Side D]
42:37 Indigo 2
46:29 Chaconne 2
50:13 ….
공간 : ROYCO Listening Room
사용된 제품 :
파워 앰프 - McIntosh MC451
프리 앰프 - McIntosh C12000
스피커 - Sonus Faber Amati G5
턴테이블 - LINN Klimax LP12
협찬 : ROYCO
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